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As club president, he/she will be planning, organizing, and carrying out responsibilities associated with the role as the club’s chief executive officer. Most members will help one succeed if the tasks and expectations are clearly defined, reasonable, and the members share appropriate interest and skill. Remember, planning and preparation count, and enthusiasm is contagious.


The role as vice-president is an important one. Sometimes it happens that the Key Club president is prevented from carrying out the duties of his/her office for various reasons. A well organized and properly operating Key Club should have a properly trained vice-president who is prepared to administer the Key Club in the absence of the president. The real importance of the office of vice-president is found in the role and function you have in the Key Club program. The role is found in one word: Service - service to the president; service to the other club officers; and service to the general membership of the club. As vice-president, he/she is the right hand of the president. He/she can and should assist the president and other officers with their duties. To do this effectively, he/she must be in contact with the work and policies of the club. 


A good secretary is essential for any Key Club if it is going to function well. The office of the secretary is one of the most demanding in the Key Club organization because the secretary manages all of the club’s records, files, and details. The best way for a secretary-elect to begin his/her term is to watch and learn from the present club secretary. He/she will be able to give advice and guidance on how to best handle the job. It may be beneficial to set up time to meet with the present club secretary to ask questions or solicit advice. 


The office of club treasurer is important because the treasurer is in control of the club’s money, its collection, and disbursement. The treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate books that will enable him/her to give a full financial report whenever requested. The treasurer should do his/her best to see that everything is done meticulously so that there are no doubts about his/her integrity. In some instances the club may be permitted by the school to keep an independent savings or checking account. If your club is not permitted to keep such an account, the treasurer is still responsible for keeping records despite not being the person actually writing the check. If your school policy does permit your club to have its own checking or savings account, it is strongly advised that two (2) signatures be required on each check. Your faculty or Kiwanis advisor should co-sign with the Key Club treasurer. It should be noted that the treasurer’s records always should be open to inspection by the club’s officers, faculty advisor, principal, and Kiwanis advisor. 

Bulletin editor/Editor:

A club editor is vital to a Key Club because he/she is responsible for all printed material the club receives. The editor is the advertiser, the communicator, and general publicity person of the club. This role requires time and knowledge on dates and happenings of district and International events, in addition to the current club projects and plans. The editor must be knowledgeable of the programs and structure of Key Club International. The role of club editor is that of a public relations officer. The editor makes sure the club, and even the public, is informed of the service Key Club renders. The club editor works alongside the secretary to be an informed officer and to use the correct and necessary information for newsletters, fliers, bulletins, and other publicity pieces. Club editors have the responsibility of making Key Club known within their school and their community.


A club webmaster/webmistress is vital to a Key Club's communication in the social media platforms. He/she is responsible to create and maintain a club website, update constantly to provide the members with the newest information. A webmaster should also be in charge of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc. It is vital in this day and age to get the word out thus making a webmaster's job important to a functional Key Club.

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